Friday, September 25, 2015

God and Faithful Quotes

When I cannot understand my Father’s leading, And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate, Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful—Only wait.
– A.B. Simpson
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"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."
-Abraham Lincoln, (1809-1865)
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If we are together nothing is impossible. If we are divided all will fail.
-Winston Churchill, (1874 - 1965)
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"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot."
- Eleanor Roosevelt, (1884-1962)
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"The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
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"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

- Helen Keller, (1880-1968)

Spirituality and Love

Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses. This is one area of life where the practical meets the mythical. For many people the experience of romantic love is their first experience of spirituality, although they may not know it.

The First Stage of Love: Attraction
The Law of Attraction states, “To be attractive, you have to be authentic.” What makes a person attractive? The wisdom traditions tell us that attraction first and foremost comes from naturalness. Nothing is more beautiful than naturalness.

The Second Stage of Love: Infatuation
This law states that infatuation exists to open the door to a deeper, transcendent reality. Infatuation happens when the attraction between two people is so intense that it transports them beyond ordinary perception and the ordinary world becomes enchanted.

The Third Stage of Love: Communion
The Law of Communion says that communion is contact of soul with soul. Communion is the sharing of spirit. Therefore, communion is the basis of trust. In this stage, lovers move into territory of the unknown, taking from each other what they did not possess alone.

The Fourth Stage of Love: Intimacy
The law of Intimacy states that in true intimacy flesh merges with flesh, and spirit with spirit. In intimacy, sexual energy and spiritual energy are recognized as one. Sexual energy is seen as the creative energy of the universe.

The Fifth Stage of Love: Surrender and Non-Attachment
The Law of Surrender says that losing yourself in another person is the best way to find your true self. Surrender is the result of relinquishing the ego’s last claims to separation. Surrender and non-attachment open the door to the miraculous, because miracles exist outside the realm of I, me, and mine.

The Sixth Stage of Love: Passion
The Law of Passion says that higher reality is experienced in the merging of the masculine and the feminine in one’s own being. Passion for life and passion in love are the same thing. This is because life, in its essence, is love.

The Seventh Stage of Love: Ecstasy

The Law of Ecstasy says that ecstasy is our original state. This is where we come from, the Garden of Eden, the state of grace to which we shall one day return. Ecstasy is the final stage of intimacy with spirit that flows through love.

Paulo Coelho Quotes

Paulo Coelho Quotes 

Life is tough–we all know that. Yet, it’s also our perspective that determines whether we go through life’s trials and tribulations with a strong heart or a weak one, and whether we emerge as a warrior or as a disheartened loser.
Here are 15 quotes from the famous writer, Paulo Coelho, that will help you see the silver lining behind every dark cloud in your life.
1. When you are afraid of change:

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
2. When you are misunderstood or maligned:

“Don’t explain. Your friends do not need it, and your enemies will not believe you.”
3. When you feel disappointed about a failure:

“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for.”
4. When you are unsure of who your true friends are:

“Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives.”
5. After a break-up:

“When someone leaves, it’s because someone else is about to arrive.”
6. When you grow envious of other people:

“Some people appear to be happy, but they simply don’t give the matter much thought. Others make plans: I’m going to have a husband, a home, two children, a house in the country. As long as they’re busy doing that, they’re like bulls looking for the bullfighter: they react instinctively, they blunder on, with no idea where the target is. They get their car, sometimes they even get a Ferrari, and they think that’s the meaning of life, and they never question it. Yet their eyes betray the sadness that even they don’t know they carry in their soul. Are you happy?”
7. When you feel overwhelmed by everything in your life:

“Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.”
8. When it’s time to let go:

“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.”
9. When you are afraid to love:

“Love is always new. Regardless of whether we love once, twice, or a dozen times in our life, we always face a brand-new situation. Love can consign us to hell or to paradise, but it always takes us somewhere. We simply have to accept it, because it is what nourishes our existence. If we reject it, we die of hunger, because we lack the courage to reach out a hand and pluck the fruit from the branches of the tree of life. We have to take love where we find it, even if it means hours, days, weeks of disappointment and sadness. The moment we begin to seek love, love begins to seek us. And to save us.”
10. When you feel like you can’t hold on anymore:

“It is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn.”
11. When your haters hate on you:

“The world is divided into those who understand me and those who don’t. In the case of the latter, I simply leave them to torment themselves trying to gain my sympathy.”
12. When you feel suppressed by others’ expectations:

“Everyone believes that the main aim in life is to follow a plan. They never ask if that plan is theirs or if it was created by another person. They accumulate experiences, memories, things, other people’s ideas, and it is more than they can possibly cope with. And that is why they forget their dreams.”
13. When you lose something or somebody you love:

“Tragedy always brings about radical change in our lives, a change that is associated with the same principle: loss. When faced by any loss, there’s no point in trying to recover what has been; it’s best to take advantage of the large space that opens up before us and fill it with something new.”
14. When you find it so hard to forgive:

“I forgive the tears I was made to shed, I forgive the pain and the disappointments, I forgive the betrayals and the lies, I forgive the slanders and intrigues, I forgive the hatred and the persecution, I forgive the blows that hurt me, I forgive the wrecked dreams, I forgive the stillborn hopes, I forgive the hostility and jealousy, I forgive the indifference and ill will, I forgive the injustice carried out in the name of justice, I forgive the anger and the cruelty, I forgive the neglect and the contempt, I forgive the world and all its evils… I also forgive myself. May the misfortunes of the past no longer weigh on my heart. Instead of pain and resentment, I choose understanding and compassion. Instead of rebellion, I choose the music from my violin. Instead of grief, I choose forgetting. Instead of vengeance, I choose victory. I will be capable of loving, regardless of whether I am loved in return, of giving, even when I have nothing, of working happily, even in the midst of difficulties, of holding out my hand, even when utterly alone and abandoned, of drying my tears, even while I weep, of believing, even when no one believes in me… So it is. So it will be.”
15. When you hit rockbottom:

“When I had nothing more to lose, I was given everything. When I ceased to be who I am, I found myself. When I experienced humiliation and yet kept on walking, I understood that I was free to choose my destiny.”

LED Quotes

"In the eternal perspective, both the procreative power and the priesthood power are shared by husband and wife."
—M. Russell Ballard, "This Is My Work and Glory"
Topics: Family, Priesthood

"Remember that casualness in spiritual matters never was happiness."
—Jörg Klebingat, "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence"
Topics: Obedience

"We need unequivocal commitment to the commandments and strict adherence to sacred covenants."
—Quentin L. Cook, "Choose Wisely"
Topics: Commandments

"The Atonement is for faithful men and women who are obedient, worthy, and conscientious and who are striving to become better."
—David A. Bednar, "Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease"
Topics: Obedience

"Happy and successful homes cannot be built on immorality."
—Ezra Taft Benson, "Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson"

"Selective obedience brings selective blessings."
—Jörg Klebingat, "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence"
Topics: Obedience

"The real manifestation of God’s love is His commandments."
—D. Todd Christofferson, "Free Forever, to Act for Themselves"
Topics: Commandments

"Trying to please others before pleasing God is inverting the first and second great commandments."
—Lynn G. Robbins, "Which Way Do You Face?"
Topics: Commandments

"All who are born in mortality have the opportunity to progress and to be exalted if they obey God’s commandments."
—Joseph W. Sitati, "Be Fruitful, Multiply, and Subdue the Earth"
Topics: Commandments

"All the commandments are of eternal importance in the context of the great plan of happiness."

—Rafael E. Pino, "The Eternal Perspective of the Gospel"

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sathguru Jaggi vasudev Quotes

Osho Quotes

Who is Osho? 

Rajneesh (11 December 1931–19 January 1990) was an Indian mystic, guru, and spiritual teacher who had an international following, the "Rajneesh movement". Rajneesh was born Chandra Mohan Jain; he was known as the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during the 1970s and 1980s, and finally as Osho in the last year of his life.

Osho Quotes -

1) Life begins where fear ends

2) Experience life in all possible ways --
good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light,
summer-winter. Experience all the dualities.
Don't be afraid of experience, because
the more experience you have, the more
mature you become

3) To be creative means to be in love with life.
You can be creative only if you love life enough
that you want to enhance its beauty,
you want to bring a little more music to it,
a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it

4) Friendship is the purest love.
It is the highest form of Love where
nothing is asked for,
no condition,
where one simply enjoys giving

5) Be realistic: Plan for a miracle

6)  If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.

Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.So if you love a flower, let it be.Love is not about possession.Love is about appreciation.

7) That’s the moment of enlightenment.
That is the moment that you become for
the first time an unconditioned, sane,
really free human being

8) Truth is not something outside to be discovered,
it is something inside to be realized

9) Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence

10) The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tiger - Spiritual Quotes story

A teacher and his student were walking from one village to another, when they suddenly heard a roar behind them. Turning their gaze in the direction of the roar, they saw a big tiger following them.

The first thing the student wanted to do was to run away, but since he has been studying and practicing self-discipline, he was able to halt himself from running, and wait to see what his teacher would do.

"What shall we do Master?" Asked the student.

The teacher looked at the student and answered in a calm voice:
"There are several options. We can fill our minds with paralyzing fear so that we cannot move, and let the tiger do with us whatever pleases it. We can faint. We can run away, but then it will run after us. We can fight with it, but physically it is stronger than us."

"We can pray to god to save us. We can choose to influence the tiger with the power of our mind, if our concentration is strong enough. We can send it love. We can also concentrate and meditate on our inner power, and on the fact that we are one with the entire universe, including the tiger, and in this way influence its soul."

"Which option do you choose?"

"You are the Master. You tell me what to do. We don't have much time." The student responded.

The master turned his gaze fearlessly towards the tiger, emptied his mind from all thoughts, and entered a deep state of meditation. In his consciousness, he embraced everything in the universe, including the tiger. In this state the consciousness of the teacher became one with consciousness of the tiger.

Meanwhile the student started to shiver with fear, as the tiger was already quite close, ready to make a leap at them. He was amazed at how his teacher could stay so calm and detached in the face of danger.

Meanwhile the teacher continued to meditate without fear. After a little while, the tiger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away.

The student asked his teacher in astonishment, "What did you do?"

"Nothing. I just cleared all thoughts from my mind and united myself in spirit with the tiger. We became united in peace on the spiritual level. The tiger sensed the inner calmness, peace, and unity and felt no threat or need to express violence, and so walked away."

"When the mind is silent and calm, its peace is automatically transmitted to everything and everyone around, influencing them deeply", concluded the teacher.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

chinmayananda quotes

Ø The faculty of discrimination, this power of judgment, this ability to discern what is right and what is wrong, what is to be done and what is not to be done, is the function of the intellect. The dignity and culture of mankind lie in the exercise of this faculty and when this wondrous equipment is left neglected, man is bound to deteriorate to the status of an animal and suffer the consequences thereof.

Ø  Determination should not turn into arrogance and resolution into obstinacy. Often they do...... Love is the antidote.

Ø  We choose our Joys and Sorrows...  Long before we experience them.

Ø  In order to turn the mind towards higher contemplation and realization of the divine Self, a sense of detachment from the fascination for the world and its avenues of enjoyment is imperative.   Such detachment has to be cultivated at the mental level. It cannot be obtained by mere physical retirement from the world but by maintaining a proper relationship with it.

Ø  If you are Good, He comes to protect.

Ø  No growth is possible unless there is a willingness to drop out of our previous conditions and accept the ampler status of the new conditions.    If the bud is not ready to end its present state, how can it grow and unfold itself to become flower?

Ø  Spiritual living is the Science that teaches us how to repair our broken hearts and draw the music out of them.

Ø  Let not your choice leave behind a sense of guilt..... Try to be good, never mind if you fail....  Every good thought sent out rebounds with a hundred times its force upon the sender himself.

Ø  In spite of all our best efforts, we may slip now and then. But that need not worry us. We are imperfect ones trying our best to gain perfection. Let every slip in us be an education for us.  Let us grow and expand, ultimately to improve, to shine out.

Ø  Life is spent in "meeting challenges". To meet them efficiently is the game....Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Meet them we must; there is no choice....If you meet them with courage and faith in yourself, you win....If you neglect to be dynamic and diligent all the time, if you sulk and try to avoid them they will roll on with merciless aggressiveness and crush you in blind fury......This is the law of life.

Ø  The quality of our actions and reactions depends upon our vision of life....A narrow vision is divisive. A broad vision is expansive.....But the Supreme Vision is all-inclusive.

Ø  A strong mind is cultivated by living moral values. All outer actions start gathering a dazzling polish, once your mental values change. A morally strong person spends less of his mental powers in facing the day to day problems of life....Moral values and ethical principles adopted and accepted by you must be lived fearlessly, even in the face of death....Never compromise, under any amount of pressure. You will find God's help coming to you, to pull you out from even the direst situation.

Ø  When Time employs you, you become a slave; but if you intelligently employ Time, you become the master of Time, and Time becomes your slave!....Make a very tight programme for each day and religiously keep it up. Make a general programme for a week, then for a month. .....Diligently whip yourself to be totally faithful to your own programme.

Ø  The cultured give happiness wherever they go....The uncultured whenever they go.

Ø  "Be ruthlessly discriminative.
Let not the heart wander away without the intellect, its Master.".....However,..He also says,.."In life, to handle yourself use your head...  But to handle others, use your heart."

Ø  Introspect Daily...   Detect Diligently...   Negate Ruthlessly...   Substitute Wisely...   Grow Steadily...... and BE FREE!

Ø  The Eternal Law provides each one of us with a circumstance in life and an occasion to enjoy or suffer strictly according to and in continuation of our past. ...Nothing happens in fits and starts. There are no accidents in the Eternal Law.

Ø  The Principle is simple -  You can never solve a problem as long as you are in the problem...  Get out of it!

Ø  See Positive, Seek Positive, Stay Positive.....  Every day may not be good...   but there's something good in every day....   Every person may not be good...   but there is something good in every person.

Ø  Satsang is not mere company of the wise. The walls of the temple know no God; the desks of the assembly hall know no Government; the mala knows no japa; the cow of hermitage knows no vedanta. But a Mumukshu gains in spirituality every moment of his stay in his Guru's presence. How?....   He watches every action of his Guru, hears every word He utters, and comes to know every thought He thinks. In short, the development of the disciple depends upon his capacity to tune himself to his Guru. The tuning to the wise is Satsang....   Remember! Not even Shri Adi Shankaracharya's rudraksha mala had any development but remained ever a mala only, although it did stay always next to heart of the world-teacher all the time!!

Ø  Man's control of nature external is called civilisation....His control of nature internal is called culture.

Ø  Act efficiently whenever you work. Then you grow , and your community grows with you. Refuse to burden yourself with worries and anxieties for the results of action, even while you are performing the action. ...   Remember, the results of actions depends upon the very quality of your actions.

Ø  Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect....  It means that you've decided to look beyond imperfections.

Ø  When we act, the glory of our action is dependent upon, not the environment, not where you work and how you work, but it is the intention or motive, behind the work that lends enchantment to the very work.

Ø  "Efficiency" is the capacity in an individual to funnel out his available "Competency" into the field of action. The intelligent preparedness is called "competency", to be expressed as "efficiency". The vital artery carrying the competency into the work is our mind. Therefore mental discipline is the secret of all efficiency, the conduit of poised competency.

Ø  Efficiency is the capacity to bring proficiency into expression.

Ø  What comes to you unasked is what comes from Him. ....   Serve all, at all times, in all ways. But let not your goodness be a liability on you. Don't allow others to play pranks on you because of your goodness. Be fully conscious of the weaknesses and goodness. Love them! Serve them!

Ø  By telling a lie, you create two personalities,...   one weakening the other, with no gain whatsoever.

Ø  To relax ourselves for an hour in a quiet corner, and to compose ourselves to the serene silence within, is to open one's pores to the dynamic touch of creative life.... This is meditation - this is the highest form of prayer too.

Ø  When the intention is noble, the act is also noble, whatever be the act.

Ø  The will to face up the challenges that one comes across in the world is born out of one’s own courage of conviction. Everyone of us has ideas of our own, but only a few of us live up to them. At the mere suggestion of a challenge to those ideals, we readily tend to fall a victim to it and become ready to compromise with our ideals. This is Dishonest Living - Asathyam!

Ø  This supreme essence born as a mass of beauty, music and joy, dazzling in wisdom, noisy with laughter, ever a master of circumstances, a king of events, frisking about in life's melancholy contentions, meeting challenges with daring and confidence, at once a hero and a child all rolled in one - this is the perfect god-man, the eternal child of Vrindavan.

Ø  It is not necessary to give up the objects outwardly. Letting go mentally of your dependency on the object, the clinging attitude, is sufficient to create a feeling of completeness within yourself and within the moment....   Simply have the attitude:   "I don't have to have IT in order to be the WHOLE. I can Let go and still be full and complete”

Ø  Life has two movements: Forward and Lateral, like a car on the road. The petrol will push the vehicle merely forward. The lateral movements are controlled by the driver. This forward dash in space is called destiny and the lateral movement is self effort. If the driver is drunk, the forward movement of the car shall reach the gutters on the side in a tragic crash. But if the driver is intelligent, careful at every yard of the vehicle's movement, he can take us to our destination safely....   Don't sleep on the steering wheel of your life.

Ø  Talk Less...   Think More...   Act Wisely

Ø  Avoid COMPARISON TRIPS.... What you have now is His thoughtful gift....   STOP crying for what you have not... You don't really need them.... When needed they will be given.

Ø  The suffering of each depends, not upon the factual happenings,...   but upon the texture of each one's mind.

Ø  A perfect man's mind ... It reflects everything, rejects nothing.... It receives everything but keeps nothing.... Like a mirror.

Ø  History is full of instances, wherein, victory would have been to the vanquished, if only they had battled a little longer! We often fail for lack of perseverance in our efforts. We leave our work half done in our impatience. Every job demands its quota of efforts. Never give up too soon.

Ø  Flood your mind with love. Look into the eyes of the other and embrace the person with whom you have quarreled. Words are not necessary. Both will have their eyes flooded, and the joy of tears will wash away all quarrels.

Ø  Success or achievement is not the final goal. It is the 'spirit' in which you act that puts the seal of beauty upon your life.

Ø  Nature specializes in a kind of paradox ...  Nature destroys and her destructions are always constructive destructions. ... The bud is destroyed when the flower blooms,... and the flower fades when the fruit emerges,...   and the fruit decays when seeds are scattered ...   Seeds decay when plants sprout....   This process of Constructive Destruction is Shiva, the Annihilator.

Sri Aurobindo Quotes

“True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become.”

“There is nothing mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness.

When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.”

“My God is love and sweetly suffers all.”

“The great are strongest when they stand alone,
A God-given might of being is their force.”

“Do not belong to the past dawns,but to the noons of future”

“But few are those who tread the sunlit path;
Only the pure in soul can walk in light.”

“It is true that the subliminal in man is the largest part of his nature and has in it the secret of the unseeen dynamisms which explain his surface activities. But the lower vital subconscious which is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know, - and of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners, - is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole... to begin by opening up the lower subconscious, risking to raise up all that is foul or obscure in it, is to go out of one's way to invite trouble.”

“I swore that I would not suffer from the world's grief and the world's stupidity and cruelty and injustice and I made my heart as hard in endurance as the nether millstone and my mind as a polished surface of steel. I no longer suffered, but enjoyment had passed away from me.”

“As in all infant sciences, the universal habit of the human mind - to take a partial or local truth, generalise it unduly and try to explain a whole field of nature in its narrow terms - runs riot here (in psychoanalysis). Moreover, the exaggeration of the importance of suppressed sexual complexes is a dangerous falsehood.”

“The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance or persist in our first limitations. For to all things that are not unknowable, all things in the universe, there correspond in that universe faculties which can take cognisance of them, and in man, the microcosm, these faculties are always existant and at a certain stage capable of development. We may choose not to develop them; where they are partially developed, we may discourage and impose on them a kind of atrophy. But, fundamentally all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is the inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can for ever prevail.”
“By our stumbling the world is perfected”

“The anarchic is the true divine state of man in the end as in the beginning; but in between it would lead us straight to the devil and his kingdom.”

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Life spiritual quotes

" To help your business grow, gain trust of your customers, deliver quality, provide consitent and on-time support and always be polite and gentle in your speech and deed. "

" To retain and build a trustful team, always keep your subordinates and colleague happy. Love them and do not speak rudely. "

" If you can perform a good deed today, do not wait for tomorrow "

" For a married couple, when there are problems / doubts - it is better both partners discuss and solve the entire matter in closed doors and neither parents of male nor those of female come to know about itit "

" For a married couple, when situation demands a critical decision it is advised that the male partner decide on the matter. This is because usually female take decision by heart and male by mind. "
" Marriage is necessary to grow our family and society. It helps oneself maintain his/her character by being committed to one person only. "

" Save some amount of money and then spend as much as you want. "

" Life is a journey. We are travelers. We have to reach that original place-root, from where we have come. This materialistic world is not out destination, not out original residence. As the travele never forgets his home though he visits around the whole world, just the same way, we should be careful not to forget out root in this journey of life. "

" Your actions in loneliness show your real character. "

" When circumstances are out of reach and your sense, you better concentrate your mind on ‘GURUMANTRA’. You should adopt the power of patience and endurance in such situation. Be clam. As a result, the intricacy, complexity of your life will be solved automatically. Nature itself will find out its own way from labyrinthine ways of life. No need to brother about it. Leave everything up to Shree Gurudev. "

" Be happy and gay. Human race is blessed with God given gift-laughter. No other animal in the world can laugh as human being. Animals can only cry. They can’t laugh. If you being to cry, than there will be no difference between you and quadruped. "

" Be total. Live in total. "

spiritual thoughts on life

"Biggest wealth of a married couple is trust between husband and wife."

"Though your thought might be virtuous and right, if you have false advisors - you are ought to do false deeds."

"Do not give reaction, sit - think - use your intelligence - take your time and then speak and give your firm decision."

"Without thinking about the world and world people, do what your Atma says keeping in mind the Paramatma"

"Remove all obstacles which comes in your virtuous thinking and which hinders your speed of growth."

"Where there is love - even if you speak rough - it will sound good and lovely."

"Relationship is like a thread. Once broken and if rejoined - knot will always remain."

"Show things when the time comes - do not workout or show your capabilities before time."

"Money should be spent at appropriate tasks / things - Just do not waste at things you find people are not going to use."

"When people oppose you - present your point and thought in an appropriate way and still if none listen - keep shut - do not oppose / respect them - and stick to your thought."

"Environment plays an important role in concentration of mind. To concentrate stick to your mission (default is to make the world a better place, if not you can also live by having two times food and a hut to live). Always listen good, see good, talk good and go to good places. Avoid as far as possible to listen negative thoughts."

" In marriage, wife is committed and always listen to whatever husband tells. Woman think by heart and Man by mind. All major decisions should be taken by Husband."

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Leadership and God Quotes

"You're just a prayer away from a change of heart."

"Finding relief in your problem is fine, but it will not cure the problem."

"My environment can give me relief from sin and tension, only the Lord can cure it."

"You can manage your sin, but that's not repentance."

"If it's sin, that's good news! Sin is the simplest thing in the world to deal with."

"There's no human remedy for sin."

"Jesus wants to give you peace."

"You would think that everyone would leap at the chance to get rid of sin. Not so. They want relief not a cure."

"Your walk with God does not depend on people, places, things or events."

"You don"t have a marriage problem, you have a sin problem."

"I am a victim of my own behavior."

"God's children have a limitless supply of the fruit of the Spirit."

"Biblical counseling is listening to a person long enough until you hear a violation of scripture."

"Anger is inside you, revealed by an outside source."

"What your soul needs is a check up."

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ramakrishna Quotes

“As long as I live, so long do I learn.”

“God is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer.”

“The Man who works for others, without any selfish motive, really does good to himself.”

“Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God.”

“If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of God.

“Bondage and Liberation are of the mind alone.”

“The winds of God's grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.”

“God has revealed to me that only the Paramatman, whom the Vedas describe as the Pure Soul, is as immutable as Mount Sumeru, unattached, and beyond pain and pleasure. There is much confusion in this world of His maya. One can by no means say that 'this' will come after 'that' or 'this' will produce 'that'.”

“Do not seek illumination unless you seek it as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond.”

“Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.”

“God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God.”

“It is easy to talk on religion, but difficult to practice it.”

“Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say 'I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me' free you shall be.”

“When divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.”  

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes

“Success in anything is through happiness”

“We must take situations as they are. We must only change our mental attitudes towards them”

“The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become”

“Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness”

“Whatever we put our attention on, will grow stronger in our life”

“Life is all business. Spend your energy to get joy, happiness, evolution, and to gain more ability to enjoy. In this field we spend our energy. We never use our time, energy, speech, or ability to do something that doesn’t help us grow and improve our life. It’s not worth it.”

“Fulfilment is structured in achievement, Achievement is structured in action, Action is structured in thinking, Thinking is structured in knowledge, Knowledge is structured in consciousness”

“In the field of knowledge is all possibility.”

“Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.”

“Naturalness is the basis of effectiveness.”

“A comfortable and regulated life is needed for fastest pace of evolution.”

 “The golden gate to peace in life is the experience of bliss, and it is easy for everyone to acquire this great glory and live it throughout life.”

“You are the master of all the laws of nature if you know the transcendental field.”

“Don’t go for what you know you can get. Go for what you really want.”